
NMI Present World's Longest X-ray Flat Panel Detector at Arab Health 2024

NMI Present World's Longest X-ray Flat Panel Detector at Arab Health 2024

NMI made waves at Arab Health 2024 in Dubai (29th JAN - 1st FEB), MENA's largest health and medicine trade fair (in Middle East & North Africa), by unveiling Vieworks' groundbreaking VIVIX-S 1751S, the world's longest X-ray Flat Panel Detector.

With 52,000 professionals from 176 countries in attendance on day one, NMI showcased a comprehensive range of Vieworks' X-ray FPDs and our X-ray system, with the VIVIX-S 1751S stealing the spotlight. Exclusive previews of the new Single-shot FPD solutions were offered to booth visitors, marking a successful event filled with fruitful connections and engagements. 

Grateful for the incredible connections made with so many professionals. 
What an incredible experience meeting all of you!
Thank you for stopping by our booth and engaging with us.
Looking forward to seeing you next year!